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Log into your account to manage all your needs in one simple place.

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Experiencing an outage?

You can visit our outage center to see all the outages in our area and report an outage. For more information about outages and how we restore power, visit our help center.

Member Benefits

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As a Pearl River Valley Electric member you have several unique benefits not available to other utility consumers. Three distinct advantages of being served by a cooperative are:

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You have local control since members of the board of directors are from within the Association’s service area

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As a cooperative member you receive capital credits, which represent each member’s ownership in the cooperative. These margins are used by PRVEPA as capital to operate the business. Members receive capital credits based on their purchases from the cooperative the previous year.

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You have the right to participate through a voting membership because you are a member-owner of the business

There are several programs you may benefit from as a residential and/or commercial members. Learn more about member programs.

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Download our App!

Download our app to pay your bills and manage your account. Got questions? Check FAQ about the app.

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Got Questions?
We have Answers

Go ahead and check our help center, it has all the information you might need.

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