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picture of pearl river valley employee working on electric line

Powering South-Central Mississippi Since 1938

Proudly dedicated to serving you every day, the cooperative way.

Member Services
open hand with lightning bolt floating over it

Energy Saving

Learn more on how to save money and energy in your residence or business, or how to compute your energy use.
Want to learn if solar power is right for you, try our solar calculator.

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orange safety hard hat and goggles icon

Safety Awareness

Read important information on how to landscape correctly around power lines, why it’s important to call before you dig, and what to do in the case of meter tampering.

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orange lightning bolt in a circle with a line through it

Preparing for an outage

Check how to report an outage in the outage center and learn more on how we restore power.

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Our members give us the power

Our community is the life force of our cooperative. In addition to providing power, we believe in our youth, education, and local economy.

The Community


Caucasian male helping grade school kids learn something about electrical work
grade school children dressed up in giraffe costumes for a program held by Pearl River ValleyGrade school boy using electrical tools and gloves in a safe workshop place while following instructor instructionsPearl River Valley man passing out pencils to grade school kids
Young woman trying on electrical gloves at a school function or job fair
The American Flag being held up by to Pearl River Valley Electric Bucket trucks and a multitude of Pearl River Valley employees surrounding the flag posing for a company picture
Picture of a community in a hearing or seminar learning more about Pearl River Valley as they are reading pamphlets and looking towards a speaker
Grade school girl posing in a Pearl River Valley hard hat to showcase safety at a school event


Got Questions?
We have answers.

Our help center is here to help. Check information about getting started as a new member, special programs, energy saving, safety, and a lot more.

Visit The Help Center
question mark within a message symbol

Couldn’t find what you were looking for?

We’re just a phone call away. You can contact our office for any request or question you may have.

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Make your life easier - Download our App!

Download our app to pay your bills and manage your account. Got questions? Check FAQ about the app.

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